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Hey, I was wondering if you considered adding a hauling animation or if that may be part of a future addition to the series. With that around, people could probably also look into creating village/city-builder games.

Hey Templum! How are you doing?

The carrying animation already exists as a Patreon add-on. Here you can see a preview of it: 

Besides the monthly releases on Itch, I also expand the collection every month through exclusive Patreon content. This type of small add-ons are suggested and voted on by the Patreon community.

If you have any other questions, let me know!

Have a nice day :)

Hello, I’ve enjoyed learning about your packs by watching Unpaws. Would you add more skincolors and maybe a base outfit to your base human character sprite. I think your hero packs and especially your npc pack help represent more people and have good outfits.

Hey there!

First, I want to say thank you for your support and feedback. I'm thrilled to hear you found out about Minifantasy thanks to Unpaws Games :)

Regarding your suggestion about adding more skin colors, I absolutely agree! It's something I want to improve in the collection. I totally understand that more skin color options included by default is something many people will appreciate.

The reality is that I’m alone making the collection and my time is limited, so it’s not always easy to manage all the aspects of it that needs more work, updates and improvements. However, I’m always pushing to make it better and I take every suggestion into consideration. So, I can’t give you a time frame, but you can be sure it’s something I want to improve.

That said, and as a temporary solution for now, the base character assets are simple enough to self-edit, and additional skin color palettes are already available in the NPC pack. So, at least, you can easily recolour the sprite sheet of the human animations.

As for the outfits, I used to be working on a series of outfits to overlay on the base characters, however, I had to discontinue them because keeping them updated with the ever-growing amount of animations (80+ animations for the base humanoid has been added in different pack releases over time), it turned out completely unmanageable. It was shifting my focus away from creating new assets, which is really where I want to put my energy. Although I won't be adding new outfits for now, you can still access the older ones from the Patreon archive (available only for the base character animations: idle, walk, attack, die, dmg…).

However, again, with some editing, you can use outfit pieces from NPCs pack, and apply them to the animations you use in your project for your characters.

Again, thanks for reaching out. Your input helps me make Minifantasy better for everyone!

Hello, Thanks for taking the time to reply to me. I'm glad you're planning to add more skin colors and that your designs are accessible for editing. I look forward to seeing more of your work!


Wow this is so nicely done! Another impressive collection for Minifantasy assets pack. Congratulations :3

Thank you Netherwave! :) 


Great job, as always! :)

I'm glad you like it Antikx. Thanks!