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I can see this asset pack working very nicely with several of the other Minifantasy asset packs. Specifically, the Undead Creatures, Space Derelict, Wildlife, and or Mounts packs, depending on what type of apocalypse your world experienced.


Exactly! :) One of the benefits of having such a large modular collection is that many assets from different packs can be combined to expand the possibilities of each other. Even when the theme or setting of the packs is very different, there are always some tilesets, props, or creatures that match perfectly when introduced into a new context.


Sorry if im being stupid but, do you have a pack with just the character from here? gonna buy this one but also want the little character and anims if you have a pack


The little character is known as "naked dude" among us "Palacians" and you can find him in the free "MiniFantasy Dungeon" pack linked somewhere above, on this very page :)


This is no mere asset pack by some random pixel artist... This is *ominous sound* Krishna going Full Palacio again!

I'll go spend my day marveling at the insane level of detail of this pack hoping it wont melt my brain into a puddle of radioactive waste!

Hahaha xD
Thank you! I'm glad you like it :)